We welcome applications for locum and contract family physician (general practitioner) jobs in the Middle East Gulf States of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait. Our team of expert recruiters will strive to match you with suitable positions and assist you with the professional registration and immigration procedures.
To be eligible for a position you must have one of the qualifications listed below and a minimum of 1-5 years independent practice experience as a general practitioner or family physician following completion of structured postgraduate training or residency program and board certification, fellowship or certificate of completion of training. The precise minimum experience requirement varies according to the credentialing requirements of the medical regulatory authority and the privileging requirements of the hiring facility.
Approved Qualifications:
If you would like to find out more about your opportunities to work as a general practitioner in the Middle East please send us a copy of your curriculum vitae and contact us to discuss your interest.
General practitioners, as we name the profession in the UK, use the American job title of family physician in the Middle East and advertised job titles will be for Consultant or Specialist Family Physicians.
For more information, read A Guide to Global Medical Job Titles for Doctor Job Applicants
Family physicians in the Middle East are usually employed in hospital family medicine departments or polyclinics where they work with other specialists providing primary care. The work is office based, may include some telemedicine consultations and there are no home visits or out of hours on call duties.
Family physicians are usually salaried, and in the private sector, may be rewarded with an incentive scheme which permits retention of a defined percentage of profit from the practice. In the Middle East, it is unusual to find the fee for service model of family medicine / general practice remuneration which is prevalent in Canada, USA and Australia.
Each jurisdiction has its own professional regulatory authority with its criteria for registration and issuing licences to practice. However all regulatory authorities in the Middle East require a DataFlow Report which is a primary source verification of qualifications, professional practice experience and professional regulation.
Some regulators require applicants to take an examination but most accept specific qualifications.
Read how to obtain a Dataflow Report: A Guide to the DataFlow Report for Doctors Aiming to Practise in the Middle East Gulf States