If you have been offered a full-time job, and you have the necessary qualifications and experience to work in that job, you can apply for a temporary visa to work in New Zealand. Your employer must have checked if any New Zealanders were available to do the work, before offering you the job. If you are granted this visa, you may be able to support visa applications for your partner and dependent children.
With this visa you can:
These changes will:
This includes:
To be eligible for the removal of the labour market test and new evidence requirements, you must also hold one of the following visas:
The Essential Skills Visa will be replaced by a new visa in mid 2022.
You will require a "job token" from an employer accredited by Immigration New Zealand. This token is a link to a website page dedicated to your visa application where you can complete a form and upload the documents required for the application. The visa processing time is expected to be swift, approximately 21 working days.
Candidates for medical jobs will be eligible for skilled work visas which are suitable for doctors and other healthcare professionals aiming to work for a short term period in New Zealand (up to 3-5 years). Longer stays require permanent residency visas, details of which can be found at Immigration New Zealand's website.
If you are considering work in New Zealand, please register your CV with us and search for currently advertised medical jobs.
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