With one of the world's most developed healthcare systems, New Zealand offers competitive remuneration packages for doctors and dentists combining guaranteed income with extensive paid annual leave, pensions, and generous allowances. Relocation packages ease the move for international candidates, making New Zealand an ideal location at all career stages.
Doctors and dentists seeking career opportunities in New Zealand can expect to be offered remuneration packages which compare favourably with those provided by countries with comparable healthcare systems. Salaries and allowances generally exceed those of the United Kingdom (UK) and many of the European countries, whilst offering equivalent or even lengthier leave entitlements and more generous allowances.
The majority of doctors and a number of dentists in New Zealand work in the public healthcare system, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand, which negotiates national agreements for all senior and resident medical and dental officers with their appropriate unions. These Collective Agreements define the terms of employment and compensation covering all the important aspects of work life including hours of work, salaries and remuneration, costs of training, wellbeing, safety and leave.
General Practitioners who own or are employed in general practices or urgent care centres and dentists working in private practice are not subject to the Collective Agreements and work on a salaried or fee for service basis with income determined by patient encounters or numbers of registered patients.
The remainder of this article provides a summary of remuneration packages for each level of medical and dental practice. Both medical and dental officers are subject to the Collective Agreements whilst working in the public sector unless the option of an Independent Employment Agreement (IAE) is negotiated with the employer.
Senior salaried doctors and dentists are defined as
Collectively their interests are represented by the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS)which negotiates the best possible salaries, allowances, terms and conditions through collective agreements with Health New Zealand and also offers free advice on new job offers, which is a very useful resource for international doctors and dentists negotiating first job offers in New Zealand.
Remuneration packages negotiated by the ASMS comprise the following components:
Part time work is calculated pro-rata.
The initial basic salary for a new specialist or senior medical/dental officer is negotiable with the employer in consultation with the clinical director of the applicable service and is determined by the date the physician or dentist met the requirements for vocational registration (or its overseas equivalent) and not the date when the employee was actually vocationally registered in New Zealand. This is advantageous for international candidates because it recognises the level of relevant qualifications and experience gained in the specialist field in other countries prior to arrival in New Zealand.
Thereafter, advancement through the salary scales is annual, subject to satisfactory performance of agreed duties and responsibilities. The annual anniversary date reflects the anniversary of when the employee first met the requirements for vocational registration (or its overseas equivalent) and not the anniversary of the job commencement date.
The job size is defined as the average weekly number of hours the employee is required to work and includes scheduled clinical activities, non clinical duties and rostered after hours’ on-call duties, telephone consultations and other relevant discussions. Out of hours work is paid at a rate of time-and-a-half the ordinary hourly rate.
Participation on an after-hours’ roster attracts an availability allowance, the level of which is determined by the following:
In health services experiencing challenges with recruitment and retention of doctors and dentists additional allowances may be offered.
The employer may agree to provide additional benefits, including a personal allowance, to any employee who has special skills or responsibilities within a service or who makes a special contribution to their profession or to the employer.
The employer makes the required employer contribution in respect of any of the superannuation schemes operated by the National Provident Fund or the Government Superannuation Fund to which an employee belongs or pays a matching subsidy up to a maximum of 6% of an employee’s gross taxable salary.
The employer meets the cost of or reimburses employees for work-related expenses, including:
The employer and prospective employee negotiate the level of reimbursement of reasonable transfer and relocation expenses prior to appointment. This includes international and domestic flights, shipping of personal goods (up to an agreed limit) and car rental and accommodation for one month on arrival in New Zealand.
In Emergency Departments, Intensive Care Units or High Dependency Units, shift work is common. All hours worked between 1900 and 0800 hours Monday to Friday are paid at time and a half of the ordinary hourly rate and all hours worked on weekends or public holidays paid at time and a half of the ordinary hourly rate.
Resident medical and dental officers (RMOs and RDOs)are defined as follows:
In some specialties, candidates with the right experience can work as registrars in PGY3 and are therefore paid on the registrar scale. All house officers and registrars hold general registration with the MCNZ and GDC. Collectively their interests are represented by two unions, the New Zealand Resident Doctors Association (NZRDA) and the Specialist Trainees of New Zealand (STONZ) which negotiate employment terms through Collective Agreements with Health New Zealand.
Resident medical and dental officers can select the union they wish to join and accept the appropriate employment terms or negotiate an IEA with the employer directly. Before selecting an option, it is best to review the Collective Agreements which can be downloaded from the union websites because there are differences between the salaries negotiated by the unions.
Salaries paid to house officers and registrars are determined by level of experience and job category which is based on the expected average hours as set out in the run description.
Here are the current negotiated rates:
Category | Working Hours | Year 1 NZRDA | Year 1 STONZ | Year 2 NZRDA | Year 2 STONZ | Year 3 NZRDA | Year 3 STONZ |
F | 40-44.9 | 76,000 | 78,670 | 79,981 | 83,100 | 84,479 | 87,530 |
E | 45-49.9 | 84,385 | 87,930 | 89,275 | 92,880 | 94,300 | 97,830 |
D | 50-54.9 | 95,391 | 99,500 | 100,973 | 105,100 | 106,672 | 110,710 |
C | 55-59.9 | 108,503 | 113,380 | 111,913 | 119,770 | 121,284 | 126,150 |
B | 60-64.9 | 121,607 | 127,260 | 128,837 | 134,430 | 136,014 | 141,600 |
A | 65+ | 136,909 | 143,460 | 145,063 | 151,540 | 152,283 | 159,620 |
(note that STONZ has just 9 steps whereas NZRDA has 10)
Category & Working Hours | Salary NZRDA Steps 1-10 | Salary STONZ Steps 1-9 |
F 40-44.9 | 91,911 - 150,582 | 91,970 - 131,860 |
E 45-49.9 | 98,984 - 150,582 | 102,790 - 147,370 |
D 50-54.9 | 111,972 - 162,311 | 116,310 - 166,760 |
C 55-59.9 | 127,338 - 184,650 | 132,540 - 190,030 |
B 60-64.9 | 142,813 - 207,106 | 148,770 - 213,300 |
A 65+ | 160,955 - 233,467 | 167,700 - 240,440 |
Salary Progression
On appointment, House Officers are placed in the House Officers’ scale based on years of post-graduate service as an RMO. Thereafter progression through the scale is on the anniversary of appointment. On appointment to a first registrar position, the RMO is placed on Step 1 of the Registrar scale but overseas registrars may have previous relevant experience credited for the purposes of determining commencement step on the Registrar scale.
Annual salary increments are due on completion of each 12 months of service.
A allowance of 5% of base salary shall be paid to RMOs working at certain rural hospitals within Health New Zealand.
Duties performed over and above rostered hours attract additional payments.
RMOs are entitled to receive refunds for the following expenses:
RMOs relocation for a new job may be entitled to reclaim some expenses for flights, road travel and accommodation. This should be negotiated with the employer before concluding the employment agreement.
General Practitioners (GPs) and Urgent Care Physicians are not subject to the terms of the ASMS. Whilst publicly funded, general practices receive an allowance per registered patient and additional fees for services with co-payments from patients (read an overview of New Zealand's healthcare system). General practices and urgent care centres are often run as businesses and not as partnerships as in the UK.
Most GPs work as salaried employees with salaries based upon a 40 hour working week or prorated for part time work.
Remuneration comprises:
Dentists working in private practice are either owners of the practices or salaried employees. Financial compensation for dentist practice owners can vary significantly based on the size and location of the practice, the dentist's experience and specialty, and the profitability of the business.
Dentists who have built a successful, well-established practice over time can often earn $500,000 or more per year. Factors that can contribute to higher earnings potential include:
However, it's important to note that reaching the highest income levels often requires significant investments of time and capital to grow the practice over many years. New practice owners may have lower earnings as they work to establish their business.
Salaried dentists can negotiate salaries which will depend upon the size and location of the practice and working hours.
Salaries average $196,000 to $254,000 PA.
The recruitment team at Odyssey can help you assess the medical and dental job market in your target location and prepare you for the next steps. Contact us today or search for jobs.
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