Take an organized, proactive approach to your job search and relocation by understanding typical timelines and requirements for obtaining a licence to practice as a physician or dentist in different countries around the world. Here is a sample of what you will find in this section:
Tips and insights to power your job search
Helpful tips to prepare for remote and on site interviews
Insights into this new primary care speciality and medical practice in rural and remote areas
Resources for junior doctors embarking on medical careers
Ready for a change? Whether you’re looking for higher compensation, greater autonomy, a better work-life balance, or just a change in scenery, we have job opportunities in wonderful locations across the world. Start your medical or dental job search today and embark on your next career move.
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Each country has its own regulations and regulatory authorities with responsibility for the professional registration of medical, dental and healthcare professions. Some countries such as the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa have single national authorities which are responsible for the registration of all professionals within the country. However some countries have federal regulatory authorites which regulate professions only within the boundaries of a state or province. Canada, USA and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are examples of the latter.
The selection of the proposed work location will determine the appropriate regulatory authority.
Here are some examples:
Our recruitment experts will advise you of the appropriate regulatory authority and pathway.
This depends upon the category of registration, with registration for the more senior and specialist positions taking longer. A thoroughly prepared application can be completed in 6-12 weeks in most jurisdictions. Delays will inevitably occur with incomplete or poorly prepared applications.
The requirements of each regulatory authority vary but in general fall into the following categories:
This is a report produced by an organisation recognised by professional regulatory authorities which verifies your qualifications and often professional registration and recent practice experience at primary source. Its purpose is to eliminate fraudulent applications.
Reports are produced by:
DataFlow LLC - DataFlow Report (Middle East only)
Candidates applying for jobs in the Middle East require a DataFlow Report which can be obtained by application made on line. For instructions on how to obtain this, please read
A Guide to the DataFlow Report for Doctors Aiming to Practise in the Middle East Gulf States
The EPIC report is the most widely accepted primary source verification report, required for professional registration of physicians in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, UK and Ireland.
Applications for this report are made on line and guidance is available in this article
EPIC Primary Source Verifications for International Physicians